Funeral virtual attendance spikes amid coronavirus restrictions through OneRoom live streaming

The coronavirus has forced public gatherings to be banned so no crowds at the footy, no weddings, conventions, concerts and other events. But what about a funeral? They can’t be postponed but the good news you can still pay your respects without being there in person.
OneRoom has been live streaming funerals for more than nine years for friends and loved ones who were unable to attend.
With the coronavirus now triggering travel restrictions and public gatherings, OneRoom has seen a huge increase in online attendance at funeral services.
In a single week they have increased by more than 60 per cent.
“We’ve been aware there are times where people struggle to make it to funerals of loved ones,’ said OneRoom CEO Dave Lutterman. ‘
“From the beginning, we thought about the issues of people being too far away, or being too sick to attend, but a pandemic fits the same solution we have developed.
“In these uncertain times, we will continue to bring comfort to as many people as we can via OneRoom’s services.
“By recording the event, which can be watched live, or later, friends and family can view the ceremony from the safety and comfort of their own home.”
OneRoom’s services can be viewed privately. It doesn’t use public channels like YouTube or Facebook.
Anyone who can connect to the internet and play audio and video will be able to live stream the funeral service or watch a recording.
The service is secure and email invitations can be sent to guests.
While watching a service online, viewers are able to switch between the cameras positioned at the funeral so they can see the pulpit, audience and the coffin.
OneRoom is used in more than 150 locations around Australia and New Zealand along with major regional centres.