Why Live-Streaming a Funeral Service Makes Sense for Your Business

Funeral directors have the delicate task of supporting grieving families, while organizing a streamlined service that respectfully honors their loved ones. This challenging job, however, has grown even more difficult amidst a global pandemic that’s limited safe travel and constrained in-person gatherings.
As an adaptive funeral director, you can look to a live-streaming service to increase your ability to empathize with clients both near and far. By equipping your chapel with OneRoom technology, you can widen your business’ reach and revenue opportunities, while helping mourners—whether physically or digitally present—experience a meaningful, healing ceremony.
Expand the Reach of Your Services
When you’re not limited to in-person services, you can support more mourners through the grieving process. One funeral director using OneRoom, for instance, saw a decline in the number of guests who physically attended their ceremonies—just 500 in one month—but hosted 7,000 online attendees during that same period. In turn, this enabled the funeral director to not only connect family and friends regardless of location but increase the visibility of their professional services.
Furthermore, OneRoom’s live-streaming platform is built with purpose, upholding the tenants of privacy and sensitivity that you value in your in-person memorials. Unlike public social media platforms, OneRoom is securely streamed to online guests who are invited by the mourning family in advance of the ceremony. It can operate in three key ways: in-chapel via automated, hands-off technology; off-site live using a mobile device or streaming-capable camera; and by recording and uploading after the fact to the OneRoom platform.
Importantly, the recording allows clients to watch the memorial with family members who may have struggled to take in everything in real time, as well as share it with generations to come. While you can require an additional client fee for the download at your discretion, the recording has proven to be an essential component of the aftercare process, during which many funeral directors offer additional grief counseling services and continue to grow their trusted reputations.
Make More Connections and Explore New Leads
At every funeral service you organize, you connect mourners over shared grief and further their collective healing. OneRoom empowers you to do both of these things with your online guests, as well.
OneRoom’s unique set-and-forget systems means cameras are connected to the internet and ready to operate in advance of the memorial. During the service, you and your staff don’t need to worry about anything streaming-related, allowing you to focus your time and energy exclusively on caring for the mourners who are present. Meanwhile, if online guests encounter any technical problems, they can directly contact a OneRoom employee for immediate assistance. This guarantees that your attendees, whether congregated physically or virtually, experience an exceptional, memorable ceremony.
In advance of the memorial, digital guests must complete a simple registration process. With this basic contact information in-hand, OneRoom then enables you to engage guest feedback after the streamed memorial. Oftentimes, this provides opportunities to explore new leads and make your expert services known to people in the pre-need and pre-planning stages.
Increase Your Digital Insights and Presence
OneRoom provides you with key analytics that can offer additional comfort to your clients. During and after every streamed ceremony, you will learn the number of unique visitors, the number of views, and when the service was watched, among other insights. When these figures are communicated to mourning families, they often feel even more supported and loved knowing their remote friends and family were virtually present alongside them.
Client communication aside, OneRoom also contains links back to your funeral home’s website, where online guests often explore before or after the service. This provides your site with additional visits and more opportunities to link to other digital services that you may offer, which can be particularly relevant to those in the pre-need or pre-planning stages. Furthermore, the increase in site traffic can improve your search ranking, thereby expanding your accessibility and potential revenue channels.
OneRoom Helps You Help More
You do your job with grace, empathy, and an eagerness to support others. At OneRoom, we only hope to help elevate your services through trusted, secure, live-streaming technology. With expanded reach and revenue opportunities, new leads across the pre-need and pre-planning stages, and constructive insights into your online guests, you’ll be primed to meet the needs of mourners no matter when or where they grieve.
Learn more about OneRoom and why it may be the right streaming service for your business.