Video on Demand: Is it just a millennial thing?

Since the mid-20th century, TV has been a staple source of entertainment and news in households around the world – from Saturday night movies for the kids, to dad telling everyone to hush while he catches the weather report.
Traditionally, TV programs have run on scheduled times, not allowing for much flexibility for when you’d like to watch a certain program.
However, in recent years Video on Demand (VOD) has swept in and become an immensely popular way of watching movies, shows and sport, whether that be through subscription-based services like Netflix, or your local TV network’s VOD website or Smart-TV application.
Many may assume that it’s only the younger of us that are catching on to this phenomenon, but statistics show that’s not the case.
In 2016, a Nielsen survey was conducted worldwide, and the results might be quite surprising:
- 65% of all respondents have watched some form of VOD programming at some point
- 43% of all respondents watch VOD at least once per day
- 48% of Millennials (aged 21-34) watch VOD daily
- 49% of Generation Z (15-20) watch VOD daily
- 26% of Baby Boomers (50-64) watch VOD daily
- 21% of the Silent Generation (65+) watch VOD daily
- 38% of Generation X (35-49) watch VOD daily
While live-streaming is a big part of what we do, OneRoom can also be considered a VOD service. In fact, over the last 12 months around two-thirds (65.6%) of global funeral views through OneRoom were on-demand views after the funeral had happened, rather than live.
With OneRoom, your loved ones’ funerals are not only able to be live-streamed during the funeral service. They can also be re-watched afterwards at a time of your choosing as they are stored online in our cloud database, accessible from anywhere.