OneRoom Blog

CFCS Maximizing Community Reach and Business Impact with OneRoom

CFCS Maximizing Community Reach and Business Impact with OneRoom

Key Results Increased Efficiency: with a white-glove streaming solution that requires minimal time and effort from CFCS staff. Expanded Community Awareness: building awareness of CFCS's services to more people in their community. Growth in Pre-Planning: identifying engaged pre-planning contacts and growing the community database.
Keeping Your Community Safe from Facebook Scams

Keeping Your Community Safe from Facebook Scams

Scammers have become a disheartening reality in our modern, digital life, targeting vulnerable individuals. We see them in the funeral industry in forms such as the obituary scams or the 'Look who just died' scams. Another scam that has been emerging as a concern is Facebook streaming scams.
Redefining Funeral Streaming - How Innovation is Driving More Value into The Virtual Space

Redefining Funeral Streaming - How Innovation is Driving More Value into The Virtual Space

Funeral streaming has traditionally been about enabling those who cannot attend in person to participate, mourn, and offer support, while providing families with lasting memories. This is and will always be important. OneRoom is taking this a step further, evolving their service to add more value to your funeral home, the client family, and online guests, delivering tangible value every time you stream.
Preserving Memories: The Power of Funeral Recordings for Grieving Families

Preserving Memories: The Power of Funeral Recordings for Grieving Families

"When my mother passed away, I wished we had recorded the memorial service," says David Lutterman, CEO of OneRoom. "My brother read poetry. A Scottish family friend spoke, and we could barely understand him. It was all sad and funny—plenty of tears and laughs—and I'd love to replay it. Recordings can be such a big part of the grief resolution process."
The Power of Community Connection: A chat with Einan’s at Sunset Funeral Home

The Power of Community Connection: A chat with Einan’s at Sunset Funeral Home

Organizing events and community outreach programs can be a meaningful way to serve the families you work with and give back to your community while having a positive business benefit. In this interview, we spoke with Holley and Sarah from Einan’s Funeral Home who have honed their skills in event planning and community involvement through their extensive community event program. To learn from their experience and get inspired, watch the interview or read on below!
Highland Park FC Adds Mobile Streaming Services for Off-Site Funerals

Highland Park FC Adds Mobile Streaming Services for Off-Site Funerals

Highland Park Funeral Centre offers funeral services at both their Funeral Home and various country chapels and churches in the area. While they have been using OneRoom’s fixed cameras in their Funeral Home for some time, they were missing an option for families requesting recording and streaming of funerals at off-site locations.
Five surprising uses for funeral home streaming

Five surprising uses for funeral home streaming

"It doesn't have to be limited to funerals." - Holly Sowards, Einan's Funeral Home
Funeral ‘Flash Crowd’, how Sterling-White copes with unexpected crowds

Funeral ‘Flash Crowd’, how Sterling-White copes with unexpected crowds

Although Sterling-White has large facilities, occasionally they will have a funeral where the crowd becomes so much more than expected. The chapel quickly fills and guests spill out through the car park, gardens, and cemetery. In these situations, Sterling-White won’t turn guests away and risk leaving them disappointed or unable to participate in the service.
Multi-site Streaming at Washburn-McReavy : Central Command

Multi-site Streaming at Washburn-McReavy : Central Command

Many of our funeral home partners with multiple locations are often wondering how to manage all the moving parts. Having to work with specific issues like on-site operating staff or rotating funeral directors, along with facilitating the various offerings to families can be overwhelming. In fact, some of the biggest demands we have heard are:
Adapting to Change in 2023

Adapting to Change in 2023

As our environment continues to experience frequent change, safeguarding your business by remaining vigilant and adapting to the world around you is becoming increasingly important. Funeral Homes are now having to contend with an unpredictable economic climate, regular staff shortages and quickly changing consumer needs. Digitalization is also becoming a bigger part of the industry. Digital guests are interacting with services in unique but impactful ways.
The easiest way to present live streaming to families

The easiest way to present live streaming to families

Are you currently presenting Funeral Streaming at your arrangement meetings with families? While streaming has become a lot more common, many people are unaware that a funeral can be streamed and recorded, so during a funeral arrangement, they will likely be unaware of this option unless it is presented to them.
One simple thing you can do to welcome more families

One simple thing you can do to welcome more families

Making meaningful connections is what keeps us motivated each and every day. It’s why we’re all in this business together. Moreover, the connections funeral directors like you forge is how your business is sustained—it’s why clients think of you in a time of need.
3 Reasons Funeral Homes Are Moving Away From Facebook Live-Streaming

3 Reasons Funeral Homes Are Moving Away From Facebook Live-Streaming

When the pandemic gripped the globe in early 2020, the funeral industry needed a live-streaming solution—and fast. As non-essential businesses shuttered and quarantine protocols were put in place, many funeral directors turned to existing technology such as Facebook live to meet the needs of families and offer a meaningful ceremony for their loved ones.
Proactive & Reactive - Covering All Your Support Bases

Proactive & Reactive - Covering All Your Support Bases

“No news is good news” “Silence is golden” We have all heard these common sayings - but what if those statements are not always true when it comes to business and understanding our customer’s needs?
Online Funeral Service: Let's Be Prepared, Together

Online Funeral Service: Let's Be Prepared, Together

Benjamin Franklin put it best: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Though the Founding Father of the United States coined this phrase to remind Philadelphians about the importance of fire awareness, nearly 300 years later it can still apply to many aspects of modern life—our industry included.